Friday, February 22, 2019

Here I sit.

I've not thought about blogging in a really long time.  I'm a very busy person, you see and finding time to blog is not a priority.  Why am I here now?  I was looking for information for a friend and happened upon my blog.  The information search is paused for now.  I'll get back to it later.  

I read through some of my past blogs and marvel at how far I've come, how much I've accomplished and how vastly different my life is from when I first started blogging.  As I sit here writing the realization of how truly blessed I am hits like a hammer and I am awestruck.

In 2007 when I left my second husband and the father of my two children (adults now) I had not clue one what would become of my life. I just knew it could only get better.  Well, it did and it didn't.  At first it was a struggle.  Single parenting without financial support.  That eventually changed when I got the courage to take the matter to court.  Life got a little better.  Then the relationship I was in after my marriage ended faltered.  It was not an ideal situation, far too much baggage to deal with and far more drama than I was prepared for.  Drama that seemed to escalate as time wore on.  

With the end of my next relationship in 2013 I was determined to take control and get my life in order. And that's exactly what happened.  I renovated my townhouse to accomodate a foreign student, that income helped pay the mortgage.  I made changes in my finances to allow me to be able to afford to live without the need for a second income and although that took time and a whole lot of effort I was making it work for me and my kids.  Veronica was a few years away from graduating in 2015.  Declan had just started high school and was trying his best to get through it, which he did and he managed to graduate in 2016.  

In 2014 I met Larry, my current and LAST husband.  Early on in our relationship I told him I wasn't going to just "live" with someone in a common law arrangement.  That marriage had to be an option or we go no further.  Obviously he agreed.  Our relationship is like none I've ever experienced.  They say, when you're heart does flip flops and you feel butterflies and it affects you physically, RUN.  That's not a good sign.  But if you feel calm and at peace, that's the relationship you are meant to be in.  That's how it was with Larry.  It was so different from what I was used too and what I expected that I worried there was something not right about it.  Well, was I wrong!  Everything is right about our relationship.  I love him so deeply and he loves me just as deeply, maybe more so because he's about to get my face tattooed on his arm. 

On a personal note, my battle with excess weight has been won! Not through Weight Watchers, which by the way is just a money grab. But by intermittent fasting and low carb lifestyle.  I still eat carbs, I just know how much my body needs to burn without having to store it for later.  Not to mention, we don't need to eat as much as we have been programmed to.  When I'm maintaining I will eat once every 12 hours, when I feel I need to drop a few pounds because I was "bad" on the weekend, it's every 22 hours before I eat. I use ketosis to burn fat and for me it works awesome! I do drink a lot of water, and I do take all the right vitamins so I'm not lacking anything.  We inundate our bodies with way too much food (and not necessarily good food) that our bodies are constantly processing and storing, it needs a break every now and then.  So, yes, now I'm finally happy with my weight and the fact that I fit all my skinny clothes again and have for almost a year!  The fat clothes have been donated!

All that being said, I truly am blessed.  My life is where I want it to be.  I have a great home, a great job and a husband who loves me unconditionally.  I can't complain, well, winning the lottery would be nice.  Oh what a dream that would be!


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A Little Over A Year Later...

In my last post I commented that I suck at blogging!  Well, it's true!  In my defense I've been busy.

Last August I started a new job.  Assistant Controller for a group of care homes in the lower mainland and island.  Learning a new job is time consuming and in this case very busy with nine facilities.

Also, on November 15th Larry and I got married!!!! That's right folks my dreams are fulfilled.  He's so amazing, every day with him is a gift.  I've never felt such a deep connection with someone.  He respects me and loves me for who I am and I feel the same way about him.  We have our flaws but they are so small and insignificant in each others eyes.  No amount of time with him will be enough.

Oh, and thanks to my darling hubby I am now an archer!  I have two Olympic recurve bows and I won a bronze metal at this years Provincials.  We went to Las Vegas in January and I actually won money so I am a "professional international archer" because of that LOL.  At least that's what Larry says.

At home, my daughter finished her first year at UBC and my son graduated from high school.  He finished the AceIt program for Professional Cook Training and passed his level 1 certification exam.  He going to be working at one of the care homes in the kitchen under a red seal chef so he can get his apprenticeship hours for level 2 which he's hoping to start next January. For now he'll work and save his money (that's the plan anyway).  My daughter will go back to school to get her remaining credits for the 60 required to apply to UBC's school of environmental design in February.  There are only 30 seats available so fingers crossed she gets in.  She's worked her butt off to maintain a high GPA so that should help.

On a personal note, I've decided to self-publish the novel I wrote six years ago!  It's been sitting waiting for me to make a move and now that Amazon has a platform for self publishing I'm going to go for it!  My mom is happy as she loved the book.  These past few days I've been re-reading and tweaking it, I really like what I's something I would buy and read for sure.  I hope others feel the same way.  

I really should try harder to keep up with blogging...I'm busy but really? That's not a great excuse, I just need to MAKE time!

With love and light,

Monday, June 15, 2015

Double WOW! A year and a month!!! Boy I SUCK at this!!!

I'm so laughing at myself right now...with the thought of getting back into this blogging thing then life taking over again...UGH silly life, doesn't it know it's interrupting my valuable time wasting blog?

That's ok, I'll post today and see you all in a year :)

Since May of 2014...

I sold the townhouse at a record high for the're welcome neighbours.  After some cosmetic updates it sold before it hit the MLS website.  My reason for selling?  Well, I met someone last year and in May of 2014 wasn't ready to divulge the relationship it was still very new. 

We bought a beautiful 3,000+ sq ft house in a very nice area we have a fantastic view as the house is built on the side of a hill (yes we have earthquake insurance).  And the best part, no yard to take care of.  For us that's important because we'd rather enjoy the deck and each others company than work countless hours on the dogs bathroom.  We now have two dogs between us. 

His kids are adults, living their own lives.  I finally met them after several months of dating and it wasn't until we had moved into our house at that.  I was beginning to suspect his kids were all in his head.  He's embraced the "step-dad" roll with open arms.  He's so very understanding of both my kids and their quirky-ness.  His own son was very much like my son.  They developed a close relationship and at times when they are joking around I'm on edge because I'm still not used to my son and my partner being "friends".  It really is more like a father - son relationship as my son refuses to speak to his own dad.  (I'm still working on that one, I don't know if it will ever be repaired).

My beautiful, smart, talented daughter is graduating from high school on Saturday.  She's one of the top students in her class as well as one of the top students who applied to UBC for the September start.  UBC has recognized her with the Chancellors Scholar Designation which from what I understand is a big deal, as well as a scholarship that will cover her first year's tuition at UBC.

I couldn't be more least not until she's graduating with her Masters in Architecture that is.

My son, my silly, demanding, energetic son...his turn to graduate with be next year, when I post again.  It's been an uphill battle for him but we see the top and are hoping for a smooth ride down.  His dream is to become a Chef (a TV Chef to be exact, he has the personality for it). Since grade nine he's taken all the cooking classes he possibly could and for that he's been accepted in his high schools ACE-IT Professional Cook Level 1 programme.  This is huge because it's Vancouver Community Colleges' first year culinary arts program.  He will graduate next year with his foot in the door for level 2.  He will likely be a Red Seal Chef a year early if he does well.

As I write this and recount what's happened in a year I can not tell you how grateful I am...there are really no words that fully express how I feel.  I am in the best relationship I've ever had, my kids lives are playing out as we hoped and as far as me personally...I feel I'm on the cusp of a major change at work.  I made a lateral move to the sales department and am set to be playing with the big boys within the year.  It's all so surreal and if it is just a dream DO NOT WAKE ME!  Seriously I don't want to open my eyes to find none of this is real!

See you all next year! (or sooner) ;)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

WOW! Almost a year?

I can not believe it's been a year since I've posted anything... that's so sad :(

My only excuse, I've been busy...very, very busy.  My life has change exponentially since last May and in retrospect 100% for the better.  Well mostly ;)

With the intent to jump back on the blogging bandwagon I'm not going to go into the details of my personal life...let's just say I'm very happy with where I am and am looking forward to a wonderful future.

In short, since May...

My legal affairs with my ex-husband are now in order (for the most part) the divorce was final March 1st of this year.

The man I lived with for six years after my separation moved out of the townhouse we own together.  It's now a business partnership of sorts and amicable at the moment.  These things can change at the drop of a hat so I'm not committing to my previous comment.

I have a second son...a Chinese home stay student.  He's 15 and for the most part easy to "parent" we've has our moments and rules have had to be enforced and re-enforced but things there are good.

My beautiful intelligent daughter is very close to attaining her N and will have a whole new found freedom that goes with it.  She's still amazingly successful in school and looking forward to her last year of high school "finally!"

My darling son, well things are as usual all over the place with him.  He struggles with school and has decided to get a head start on next year by enrolling in summer school.  He wants to take two classes but I think I'll limit him to one.  No sense in overwhelming him, he doesn't do well when that happens. He is thoroughly enjoying his cook training class and works in the school cafeteria often...might be for the free lunches though.

Life for me this past year has been about lessons.  Lessons in acceptance, lessons in letting go, lessons in embracing change and not fighting it.  I've learned that people come and go in our lives to help us grow into the best versions of ourselves the versions we are meant to become before our time here is done.  I've learned that the issues of others are none of my business as much as my issues are none of theirs.  I've learned to own my life in order to be able to share it.  I've learned that compromise is not always the best policy. I've learned that it's easier to love others when first I love myself and finally I've learned that unconditional love does exist, it is real. Oh, and I've learned the difference between "attachment" and truly loving someone.

It's been a great year and a trying year.  What I'm looking forward to in this next twelve months is, well, for me to know and you to find out, so stay tuned and I promise I won't wait another year to let you in on my spilt milk.

With much love and light,

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Nice word, sticktoitiveness...not a real word obviously but a good descriptive of something I struggle with daily. 

Last night as we were driving home my son asked me what I had for dinner.  He had a baseball game at 6:30pm which meant he had to be at the field by 5:30pm to practice, which in turn meant he ate at his dads and I rushed him to his game.  I told him, as I was dropping him off, that I would be back after I had something to eat. Thus the reason for his question.

I wasn't exactly "good" about my dinner choice.  As I was driving around Pitt Meadows looking for something fast and easy I passed McDonald's, thought about it for a moment and decided it wasn't worth the risk.  Continuing on I came across a Vera's Burgers.  Better choice? Maybe, but still not great. 

Then my issue with sticktoitiveness kicked in and I made an executive decision to go for it! After all I've been really good so far this week, my lunches consisted of lots of vegetables and fruits so all good there.  I had 19 points left for the day, I get 26 for the whole day (for anyone who doesn't know this, I'm doing Weight Watchers, they use a point system).  19 is plenty for dinner, normally more than I usually have by the end of the day so I figured Vera's would be fine. 

I ordered the Baja Burger, soooooo good! With sweet potato fries and a diet Coke. According to my points calculator my burger was worth 12 points! And damn it sure was!!! The sweet potato fries (for the amount I ate) were 6, again, well worth it.  Diet pop of any kind is 0.  So when I told my son what I had as we drove, he voiced his concern about my sticking to my plan.

He doesn't quite get how the points work so I explained that and added that I have extra points if needed, 49 extra points.  We talked about how I had done WW before and reached my goal, maintained it and achieved life time.  He commented that I should have stuck with it back then so I wouldn't have to do it again.  Sticktoitiveness.  Ya, not so good at that.  I love food,  I love eating I'm a true hedonist when it comes to all things culinary! But for my son I'll stick to it!

He's concerned that I'll go back to my old habits, thinking I can eat whatever I want.  Honestly, I worry about that too.  Being aware is half the battle though, knowing your limits is the rest.  I've learned that I can't eat whatever I want whenever I want in whatever quantity suits me.  I know I will have to "watch" my food choices in order to maintain a healthy weight and I know that I'm going to have to exercise whether I like it or not!

Good ol' sticktoitiveness...I can do it!


Friday, April 19, 2013

Exercise IS a four letter word!

In my vocabulary anyway...

So as you all know, because I've stuffed it down your throats, I'm doing the Weight Watchers thing to loose weight.  To date I'm down 22.8lbs!  Yeah me!  But there is a component to this process I've avoided like the plague!  Exercise! Hate it! Guess I'm lazy at heart!

I have a busy life, mostly spent attending to my teens.  I also work full time and only have Saturday and Sunday to do my things, which usually ends up being their things so when would I exercise anyway?  OK maybe I could squeeze something in after work between rushing home to make dinner then rushing back out to get to the variously required events my kids are involved in, ya, maybe I could do something (said with rolling eyes) but I don't.  Partly the time constraints, partly the crappy weather, partly I HATE exercise (did I say that already?)  I think you get the point.

I have a theory.  Wanna hear it?  No? Too bad, gonna tell ya anyway! 

I need my weight loss to be the result of my changing my eating habits and not as a result of exercising along with this change.  I did that the last time and when I stopped as I know I will again I gained it all back.  If I can loose weight in spite of not exercising then it shouldn't matter once I do start if I should choose to stop again.  My weight loss is not going to be a result of exercise.  Exercise will be complimentary to my maintenance instead.  That and I'm in terrible shape so it's going to HURT and I don't like pain, of any kind!

So for now I'll keep telling myself, for me, I'm doing this the right way and when I'm ready to get back to the "crunch" I will.  The day is coming as soon as the temperature outside is a little better than freaking freezing and the damn rain stops, I'll get at it.  But for now, I'm going to continue to eat rabbit food (LOL) and count my points.  Love counting points! It's awesome!!!


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Weeks 6, 7, 8 & 9...a little behind I think.

Oh, and yes my behind is much littler!

Ok, where to start...week 6.  Not much of a loss that week, can't really recall why probably fell off the wagon or as seems the cycle my loss is over a two week period not one.  It did put me at 13lbs lighter and fitting clothes I haven't warn in a while, so not complaining at all!

Week 7, a decent 2.8lbs gone marking my 15.8lb loss at March 16th a short 49 days from my start on this go round with WW. 

Week 8, down 3.8lbs!  This was significant because I earned my 10% award from WW a key ring to which I will add a star for 25lbs when achieved and a key for my lifetime achievement.  This will be my second full key chain and hopefully my last! I honestly thought, when I started, this was going to be hard.  So far I'm surprised at how easy it is.  Yes it's work but man is it worth it!  Fitting a size 9/10 (says that on the label) skirt I bought in 2006 after I lost the first time was motivation enough to keep going. 

Week 9, Easter long weekend! And I totally blew the points at Easter dinner on the Friday before weigh in.  UGH!  Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it.  There is no WW in Quesnel.  I got on my parents scale and I was up 2lbs! YUCK!!!! However in my defence it was food weight not fat because by Tuesday when I got on the scale I was back down and less than my week 8 weight.  Undigested food is very heavy, 2.6lbs worth.  TMI? Sorry.

This week I've been really good about what I'm eating.  Making sure I get all my fruits and veggies in as well as water, a figgin tonne of water!  I'm interested to see if I hit my next target, I only need to loose 2lbs to do it but with the way my weight loss cycle has been going I think I might have to wait another week to hit that one.  That's ok, I see the light at the end of the tunnel and only having 12lbs to go I'm pleased with my progress thus far.

I didn't take before pictures, I have enough snapshots to show how ummm large I was (was, love that word)  when I'm done however I will post an after picture and be plenty proud to do so!

On a side note, on of my co-workers asked me if I was sick because he noticed I was getting thinner.  This was a little concerning because although I've been loosing quickly, just over 2lbs a week.  I've not been starving myself.  I eat all day long! You should see my lunches!  I guess it's noticeable!  No, for the record I'm not sick!  I'm not anorexic, I still eat and keep it all down, I'm not that desperate to loose the weight that I would harm myself.  Besides I love food and eating far too much to deprive myself.  Ask anyone who's eaten with me...I eat!
